Family camp offers your family an opportunity to vacation at Haines Lake while enjoying great fun, good food and services, excellent spiritual teaching and fantastic fellowship. A chance for your whole family to grow in your walk with Jesus Christ.

Director: Amy Kubassek

Typical Schedule for a day at Family Camp

7:00 a.m.        Polar Bear Swim Time
7:30 a.m.        Wake up Bell
8:00 a.m.        Breakfast in the Lodge
10:00 a.m.      Adults Program in the Lodge / Children’s Program in the Craft Lodge
11:30 a.m.      Free Time / Swimming Lessons
12:30 p.m.      Lunch
1:30 p.m.        Tuck Shop
2:30 p.m.        Free time / Free Swim /Activity Time
4:00 p.m.        Tea & Snacks by the Lake
5:30 p.m.        Dinner
7:30 p.m.        Family Program and Snack
9:00 p.m.        Adult Program in the Lodge / Babysitting Rounds / Childcare in cabins.

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Age 13+  $530 + HST

Age 9-12  $415 + HST

Age 5-8  $365 + HST

Age 3-4  $265 + HST

Age 0-2  Free