Annual General Meeting
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
Camp Koinonia AGM & Fellowship Luncheon
Hello Everyone, our Annual General Meeting & Fellowship Luncheon is back in person this year!
Where: Church of St Brides Anglican Church, 1516 Clarkson Road North, Mississauga, Ontario
When: Saturday March 22nd
Setup: 11:30 AM
Fellowship Luncheon: 12:00pm
Meeting Starts: 1:00 PM
Lunch will be provided
Please bring sweets or desserts to share
We hope to see you there, all are welcome!
Please RSVP so that we know how many people to prepare food for.
A Zoom link will be sent out to those of you who would still like to join us but can’t attend in person. Please email tryeland@campkoinonia.ca if you would like to attend virtually so that we can send you a link.
We have some exciting announcements this year and are looking forward to an eventful summer!